Saturday, February 23, 2008

Only I Would Do Something Like This

Well, for all of you that know me pretty well...which is probably most of you, :) you probably aren't surprised that this happened to's almost expected for me to do something stupid like this for everyone to get a laugh out here's my story. And don't feel bad if you make fun or laugh...I would too if I were you haha.

Over Christmas break, Melissa, Rebekah and I were doing a last minute shopping trip in Macy's. We needed to go up stairs to look at something for Kyle so we were on our way up the escalator and I was behind my other two sisters. We got to the top and Melissa and Rebekah kept walking but as I picked up my left leg to take a step, I noticed that I couldn't move!!! My jeans were stuck in the escalator! Now, this is still before Christmas so there were TONS of people still in Macy's and they were running into me and telling me to move and all I would do was turn to them very calmly and say..."I can't, I'm stuck" like it was something that normally happened to me. haha. It was soooo funny! Melissa and Rebekah turned around and they looked at me like I was retarded and were telling me to move but I just kept saying "I can't, I'm stuck!" The escalator stopped...probably because I broke it... there were tons of people stopped and just staring in shock at what was happening and I finally just reached down with the help of Melissa to rip my jeans out of the escalator (you can see the result of the ripping up above). :)

We kept walking around and as we were about to come back down the escalator the manager ran into us and was really worried about me and my jeans haha. They were target jeans that I probably got for $15 so I wasn't too worried, but he was! He was like... "Just go down to Juniors and pick out any pair of jeans that you want and then go to the check out stand and tell them my name." So I got a $50 pair of jeans for free! And my other ones still work! haha It was definitely one of the best days of Christmas Break :) Funny story and free jeans!

Christmas Break!

Paul and I almost missed our flight! It was so funny...I promised myself that I would never be one of those people that look ridiculous running through the airport with all their bags rushing to get to the airplane on time, but that didn't last very long because we were bookin' it! It was hilarious and I was laughing all the way to the plane :)

Girls night at the beach! Yay! Julia, Monica, Taylor, and I all went to the beach with our Mom's the first night I got back. It was the best and it was just like old times! Tea party with the girls and Mom's and the Heathman Hotel in downtown Portland! Yum :)

I love these girls!
Monica and I! She is the best!

Christmas is my favorite time of the year! It just tops all other holidays in my opinion! :) For some reason I stopped taking pictures after this beach weekend haha, but I did have fun with the fam too! It's so nice to be able to go home and not have ANYTHING to do! I have never experienced that before and I loved every minute of it. Being able to spend time with the family every day was the best!