This post is totally to spread the word and share my excitement with someone... anyone!! Gah! I still can't believe I'm saying this but my good friend Haley Johnsen officially just made the TOP 24 on AMERICAN IDOL! Which means she is one of 12 girls that made it to the voting rounds. Amazing.

Haley and I did gymnastics together for years back in the day. She caught the bouquet at my wedding reception in Portland and we still keep in touch every now and again. I always knew that she liked to sing since she was always singing away to tunes in the gym, but I never knew she was really serious about it, nor did I ever really know how good she was. She did a really great job keeping that little secret since we were with each other 20+ hours a week. :) We graduated in 2007 and all of us "gym girls" parted ways to attend college. We would get together for lunch with our Mom's every once in a while and catch up but it's been way too long since we've done that.
Haley decided to attend OSU and started singing with the women's acapella choir. Auditions for American Idol came to Portland this season and she couldn't resist the opportunity. Music is in this girls blood. I'm so excited for her and can't wait to watch her this season!
And don't worry if it's voting night and you haven't voted yet... chances are you'll see my reminders all over the blog and facebook. :)